
SensUs | Newsletter December

The SensUs Organization is working hard towards the Christmas holidays! Due to the pandemic the very first Kick-off Event of the SensUs Competition will be held a little differently than planned, but it will definitely be as great and fun! Make sure to keep an eye out for the 12th of January, because something special is coming your way!


Preparations for the Innovation Days 

The first preparations for the SensUs Innovation Days 2022 are being made, which will take place between the 30th of August and the 3rd of September. We aim for an on-campus SensUs 2022! 
Currently, the necessities for the camping, on which the students will be staying during the week, are being arranged. The participating students will camp on a field on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology. Furthermore, the Events department is working on the event week planning and arranging various educational and leisure activities.

Teams of 2022

The Organization is also busy welcoming all new teams to the competition. With Slack as the new medium of communication, we look forward to connecting with all participants!
The chairs of the organization keep track of all developments in the competition and they are setting up new initiatives like the Kick-off Event that is coming up.


New Partnerships 

The External relations department got inspired during a training on acquisition that was followed earlier this year. The training has broadened the perspective on how to approach current and new partnerships. This year we try to achieve sponsorships also with companies beyond the field of biosensing. As SensUs is all about innovation and international connectivity, it is of importance to get companies from different industries involved in the amazing competition. 


Informative video about theme 2022

The Public Relations department is active on social media and informs you about the theme of this year and has been giving tips and tricks for start-ups. Furthermore, PR has been busy brainstorming about an informative video about acute inflammation, the severe consequences of sepsis, and the possible beneficial impact that a biosensor can make. This video will be combined with a personal story from a patient to explain the reality of what it is like to have sepsis.


Technical criteria 

The Technology department is determining the technical criteria and relevance of a biosensor for acute inflammation by consulting clinical chemists, intensivists, and university professors.  This will lead to an algorithm for determining which team will be the winner of the analytical performance award. The Technology department is also working on the laboratory protocols for sample preparation and testing.

This was the update of what we've been up to. The whole SensUs Organization wishes you happy holidays and a safe and healthy 2022!