Caïro, Egypt

American University in Caïro

مرحبًا (pronounced “marhaban” meaning hello) everyone!

We are team AUCSense from Egypt! Here are a few interesting facts about us and Egypt:

  1. We don’t actually ride camels to school or uni.
  2. Cats hold a special place in the hearts of both Ancient Egyptians and AUCians (did you know, our AUC campus is home to many cats. They even have their own Instagram account!)
  3. One of the many inventions created by Ancient Egyptians is toothpaste! So the next time you brush your teeth, please give us a thank you :)

We are so proud and honored to be the only team from the Middle East and Africa. Our team members come from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds that we are taking advantage of to help us create an innovative and efficient biosensor to help early detection of sepsis.

This is our fifth year with SensUs and we are still as motivated as we were in our first year! We look forward to further challenging ourselves and learning more from the other teams, Sensus partners, and medical professionals. Follow us on our socials to keep up with our adventurous journey.
We are excited to compete with you! 
