

Heart failure (HF) is a very important public health problem in both developed and developing countries with a prevalence of about 1% of the population. In 2017 SensUs featured NT-proBNP as its target molecule, which is a key biomarker for heart failure.
SensUs 2017: In short


The exciting finals of SensUs 2017 took place at Eindhoven University of Technology on the 8th and 9th of September. Ten teams came together from Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Egypt, and the USA. The teams competed to inspire the public and convince the jury of their biosensors for the detection of heart failure.

The biosensors were tested by measuring NT-proBNP in blood plasma. The measurement results are available here and here. Visitors from all over the world watched the tests live on the online SensUs Digital platform, featuring livestreams, pictures, Q&As, and live data. Furthermore, all could cast votes on their favourite teams for winning the Public Inspiration Award. A total of 1500 people voted and the cumulative visitor count was 5000, from 74 countries.

The teams showed their biosensors and presented several lively pitches. They were judged by an international multidisciplinary jury on Analytical Performance (the best measurement of NT-proBNP in blood plasma), Translation Potential (probability that the concepts will make it into society), and Creativity (novelty of approach).

This year’s winner was team T.E.S.T. from Eindhoven. They won the 1st prize in Analytical Performance, the 1st prize in Translation Potential and the 1st prize in Public Inspiration. Sweden (Uppsala) won the 1st prize in Creativity. Denmark (DTU) won the 2nd prize in Creativity and the 2nd prize in Public Inspiration. And Belgium (Leuven) won the 2nd prize in Analytical Performance and the 2nd prize in Translation Potential.

It was an amazing weekend and we are thrilled that next year 13 universities will participate: all universities of SensUs 2017, and 3 new ones from Canada (Montreal), China (Zhejiang), and Spain (Barcelona). The theme of SensUs 2018 is “Measuring antibiotics for better healthcare” and the teams will develop biosensors for the measurement of Vancomycin, a very important antibiotic.

We thank all universities, companies, healthcare professionals, and global citizens for contributing to SensUs 2017 and we look forward to a great competition in 2018!

Aftermovie SensUs 2017